Sunday, December 7, 2008


11am and it's 7 degrees outside... iya da... :(

I was sick for about two weeks but am feeling pretty well better now. I even took a day off work, which I've not done before.

Yesterday was my big Japanese Proficiency Test. I think I did quite well. I'm fairly sure I at least passed. But I'm a perfectionist and I want to get a Good Score...

I got my visa updated. (Pain... -_-). Today I have to go to the ward office. I get sick of all this... the annoying thing is they only gave me a 1-year visa, so if I *do* decide to stay longer, I'll have to go back to immigration *again*... Other people at this company have gotten 3-year visas, and we specifically requested one. But I heard it's pretty well random which one they give you... oh well...

This is a grand time of year, with lots of parties. A lot of companies have big 'bonenkai' (year-end parties). Our school's gonna have a big Christmas party. I'm hoping for a karaoke after-party, personally. Next week we're gonna have a couple of get-togethers because Jim, my old co-worker, is back in Japan for a couple of weeks! ^_^ On Saturday I'm going to a party with a co-worker, so that's three parties next week, hahaha. Unfortunately I missed our building's Christmas party - I was really looking forward to it too -_- - because I was sick.

I really love living in a big metropolis. You can finish work, and walk outside, and you've got loads of restaurants and bars to choose from. It makes socialising so easy. Or, any weekend you can go into Tokyo or somewhere, where it's all happening. Also, I think karaoke makes a really nice addition to socialising choices. After you've finished dinner, sometimes you don't want to spend the whole night in a bar or club.

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