Thursday, February 19, 2009

Ski trip ^_^

Guess what? I'm going snowboarding up north in Niigata prefecture. ^_^ I've booked it for the weekend after next. Five of us are going; I spent half an hour in negotiations with a travel agent using my extremely poor Japanese. But with success!! There's some chance I will try skiing as well; I'm not sure.

I'm slightly nervous about it. When I said this to my Japanese teacher, she immediately told me about someone she knew who broke their leg snowboarding. When I said this to Pete, he told me that 4% of first-time snowboarders get a serious injury; 23% non-serious injuries.

When I said this to my discussion class today, someone told me about their friend who had crashed and then had another snowboarder land on top of him, resulting in injuries that required immediate hospitalisation.

Thanks for your reassurance, guys.

The thing is, I wasn't even worried about injuries. I was just worried about it being a bit too scarily fast and uncontrolled, and not being very good at it. But anyway, by and large I'm really looking forward to it, despite everyone's horror stories.

The final straw was when I was teaching my kid's class today, and we reached the listening/reading section together. I read aloud: "Sarah went skiing. She broke her foot. Now she stays in bed."

I'm sure my student had no idea why I kept laughing uncontrollably during this sad tale.

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