Sunday, March 8, 2009


A young student of mine just did a homestay in Melbourne. Sadly, she arrived one day before the 48-degree day... More sadly, though, her homestay parents had friends die in the terrible bushfires. Her host father even took her along when he visited one of the burnt-out towns.

However, apart from this tragedy happening, she did enjoy her time there a lot. She thought Australians were very warm and friendly, couldn't stomach Vegemite (and couldn't believe that everyone she asked said they liked it), thought fish and chips had way too big a serving size, loved the icecream and desserts, and thought the 'Japanese food' and sushi there tasted nothing like the real thing. Hahaha.

She agreed with me that Australians are a lot bigger than Japanese people; I said this was because Australia had a lot of excellent junk food. (Japan has some very good junk food. But Australia beats it by a mile, which is probably not a good thing, really. ^_^)

A lot of people asked her if she was Vietnamese or Chinese, for some reason. And she said that Australians say "fantastic" a lot. She and her friend got in the habit of saying it. ^_^ She said that after being in Australia, I was very easy to understand, because I spoke so much more clearly than most people.

I'm glad she liked it. She brought me back a Furry Friend and some Smiths chips. ^_^

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