Friday, June 19, 2009

You know you've been in Japan too long when...

I found this list on the website Thin Rope.

From that list, here are some I totally identify with...

You know you've been in Japan too long when... see a gaijin get on the train and think "Wow, it's a gaijin!" can't have your picture taken without your fingers forming the peace sign.
...your idea of a larger home is an extra 10 square meters. think the natural location for a beer garden is on a roof. wait for the first day of summer to wear short sleeve dress shirts. the middle of nowhere, totally surrounded by rice fields and abundant nature, you aren't surprised to find a drink vending machine with no visible means of a power supply and when you think nothing of it when that lonely vending machine says
'thank you' after you buy a coke. have over 30 small, transparent plastic umbrellas in your entrance even *after* donating several of them to taxis and JR recently. believe that the perfect side dish to eat with a juicy, deep-fried pork cutlet is a pile of raw, tasteless, shredded cabbage. doesn't surprise you that a case of beer has the same per unit price as a single can. think cod roe spaghetti with chilled red wine is a typical Italian dish. start to recognize BGM as a meaningful genre of music.
...walking into a crowded bar full of non-Japanese makes you nervous, because they "look dangerous."
...when you accompany your "no" by the famous waving hand-in-front-of-nose. think that "Lets SPORTS yOUNG gAY CluB" is a perfectly normal T-shirt logo for a middle aged lady. "gambarimasu!!" before every little activity you engage in.
...when it all seems normal.

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