Monday, January 14, 2008

Quick note

Just a quick note to say I now have no Internet access at all and probably won't for another week. I'm writing this at an Internet cafe. Cheers. :)

I am in Ueno right now, I just had my shamisen lesson. It's hard but fun. Still don't know how long I'll learn for though... Yesterday I had fun, went out after church with a bunch of girls (first time I really hung out with people from church - first time I met most of them, actually) - four Americans and two Germans, and all of us (I think), single girls. Hahaha, sound familiar?

After that I went out to dinner with some people from work. Our school met all its goals last year, so we went out for dinner to celebrate. It was my first time at a Spanish restaurant. The food was pretty expensive but soooo nice. They had the most tender, marinated steak, and paella, which I'd never tried before.

The weather has been really cold the last few days. Right now it's late afternoon and probably about 4 or 5 degrees outside. Not very pleasant. But I'm told that in Hokkaido, where I'm going next month, it's around -15... haha...

Have been trying more Japanese food at izakaya, usually on Saturdays after work. The other day I tried a kind of soup which was really delicious. It had some meat and vegetables in it, and large pieces of garlic, and chilli. A couple of pieces of meat were a bit too fatty or chewy to chew and eat, but other than that it was really delicious and I wished I could have had more. I later found out that it was intestine soup. Oishikatta desu ne (Yummy, right?) :)

1 comment:

SNansen said...

Hey sweetheart, this is Sarah Nansen here (we went to school together!)

I am SO excited to hear that you are teaching english in Japan!

When you get your internet connection up and running, I would absolutely LOVE to hear what you have been up to! My e-mail address is

Quick note on me, I'm okay, I got married three months ago (To Peter, so I'm now Sarah bryson!) and i'm three months pregnant - *GASP* all good, all good!

Oh i'm so happy to have found you hun! *HUG* I hope you get this message!