Saturday, March 15, 2008

Ob-la-di HA HA HA

Last night we had a big party after work, about twenty people came. We went to an Italian restaurant. I love good food, I can't help rubbing my hands together with glee. :)

After dinner, most of us progressed to karaoke. I love karaoke too. :) As the night wore away, people gradually left, until it was just four of us - Jim, me, and two guy students in their late 20s/early 30s. We were there partly because the last train had long gone, and partly to make a night of it. We couldn't go until the first train started the next morning.

There are always lots of other people in the same situation - they can't go home - so karaoke-kan at 4am are always full of slightly drunk people staggering down the hall.

Jim kept putting on older songs I'd never heard of and said 'oh, you'll definitely know this one.' On the other hand, Jim knows virtually no pop songs from the last two or three years. I told him that 'Sexy Back' was one of the most popular songs of its year, and enjoyed hearing Jim attempt to explain to his students how sad this was for mankind. 'Kawaisou humans,' he said. They had no idea what he was talking about. :)

I got to sing a few songs in Japanese, which was pretty cool. :) Jim sang an aggressive Rammstein song in perfect German, he was hilarious and scary. The Japanese staff and students sang some Japanese songs and some English ones, like Rihanna. One of the students, who loves Led Zeppelin and similar bands, sang Stairway to Heaven, Sweet Child of Mine, Living on a Prayer... Funniest of all was K (the 'student who gestures like an Italian' - he really is a loon) who sang Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da at full volume in wavering, LOUD English - when he got to the bit 'of Desmond and Molly Jones - hahahaha', the whole room just lost it.

The two young-ish students who stayed are two of my favourites, they're a similar level, kind of high beginner/low intermediate. (I commented to Jim, 'in a normal world, you ask about people 'oh, what does he do?' or 'how do you know each other?' Here, we ask, 'oh, what level is he?')

With only four of us in the end, and a total of about 5 hours in the karaoke room, we all got the chance to sing heaps and heaps of songs. It was fun. :) I got home in the early morning light, around 6am.

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