Monday, March 31, 2008


You know, with the over-complicated recycling system here, I never did figure out just when I was supposed to take out which kind of garbage. A month ago the whole system changed, but I'm blissfully ignorant. I believe there are now two days a week for combustible garbage (I've loosened that definition considerably, if there's an inferno at the recycling plant one day, it'll be my fault for putting some plastic in the wrong garbage), and still ??one day a month? for papers and magazines (I missed the day and have no idea what to do with my increasingly huge pile, I can't express how stupid this one is).

So I just take my garbage down at random times and leave it there, and hope the landlord doesn't come out.

Anything I don't know how to dispose of (cartons, glass, plastic bottles which I can't squash, etc), I take out to convenience store bin, since it's the only bin on the street. The thing about Japan is, there is nary a public bin to be seen in any street or park. I suppose the councils can't be stuffed taking responsibility for other peoples' recycling efforts, and who can blame them?


Suey said...

Hey Bek I love your blog. Especially the one about English tenses that is great! I am doing some French study so I know all about that!!
So how do you like Japan?? Family has just been over there for 2 weeks and they loved it, said Japanese people are the most polite. What do you like the most about it?
So are you there for a year or longer?
Hope you are well,
Sue ;)

inkawasaki said...

Hey! :) Thanks mate :)

Hey, that's cool! I studied French for a while too, ended up giving up a couple of years ago... I'd like to take it up again though... Are you planning to go to France, or just felt like studying again?

Japan's great, it's true, people here are polite, there's probably the best service in the world. (You can't possibly leave a cafe or even Subway without all the staff yelling 'arigato gozaimashita!' ('thank you very much!') after you. :))

It's certainly an interesting place to live, sometimes it's like living in a totally different world... I like my students, my favourite thing to do is go out for drinks or karaoke with them... I also really like the Japanese language, it's cool to study.

I'm here for a year's contract, possibly longer, but I'm not sure yet.

Thanks, I am well, hope you are too :) Life's certainly changed a lot since school, hey? Hope everything's going well on your end too!