Then I saw these in my local convenience store:

Sakura-flavoured Kit Kat! And matcha (Japanese powdered green tea) Kit Kat! How Japanese! I had to try them!
Well, that bite you see out of each one is as far as I got. DisGUSTing. Just about the worst chocolate I've ever had the misfortune to put in my mouth, and that includes Reject Shop Easter eggs.
So I took them to work so Jim could try them. Now this is the guy who eats intestines and says 'wow, good choice'; who wolfs down chicken cartilage, who can look a bowl of natto (fermented soybeans) in the eye without quailing.
And he couldn't eat them either!
I dunno...I had something that looked like that sakura thing and I LOVED it. I think it was strawberry though.
Also that matcha one looks fab!
I am a sucker for matcha.
hmm... Well, the packaging looks nice. What exactly does cherry blossom taste like?
Btw, Nathan here. Just got the address of your blog. Sounds like you're having an interesting time!
Jess - it must have been strawberry. I'm fairly confident you could not have loved the sakura one. :)
I don't mind matcha per se, I enjoy the odd matcha latte or icecream, but this one just tasted... bad.
Nate - glad you found the blog. :) To answer your question, cherry blossom has a faint sweet taste, a little like light strawberries. But this cherry blossom Kit Kat just tasted like chemicals. :)
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